Pukulan Cimande Pusaka - Fon Jerng

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Italian Knife

Combat Whip

Irish Stick

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Silat - Rings and Music

Silver Silat Ring $100 USD (In the special instructions box please enter your ring size)
American Shipping + $10
Abroad Shipping + $15

Here is our brand new P.C.P.S American Pencak Silat, large, heavy, solid sterling silver high-quality ring with solid filled-in backs as well.

Jeweler crafted one at a time per order. Please indicate your ring size with your order.

5 CD Indonesian Music Set$60.00

I went through my extensive recordings of various Indonesian music and came up with a five CD set that covers a wide range of music to be used in practice and meditation. These are some of my favorites. I do not usually practice all that much to just any of the West Java Pencak Music as I find our system needs music that lends to a flow and has somewhat of a beat as well that much of the that does not have especially if you are listening to music played to someone else's movement as it is typically played to follow you, when it is live.